Minutes of Annual General Meeting held in the Vestry, St. Johns Church, Stanwick on Monday 13th May 2024.


Present:           Cllr. B. Ramsay, Chairman

                        Cllr. P. Owen

                        Cllr. M. Asquith

                       Cllr. A. Wells

                       Cllr. T. Haggie

                       Cllr. A. Thompson


1.    Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.


2.    Minutes of the last Meeting


The Minutes of the Last AGM were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


3.    Chairman’s Report


The Chairman welcomed the recently co-opted members, Tim Haggie and Angus Wells to the meeting and thanked the members generally for their support over the past year and their efforts in providing several new facilities in the Parish.  The new Millennium Bench and Carlton Notice Board have been particularly well received.


4.    Presentation of Annual Accounts


The Balance Sheet and Bank Reconciliation for year ending 31st March 2024, which showed £1,800.54 in the current account, has been prepared and then signed as correct by the Internal Auditor. Approval was requested from Councillors for the Chairman to accept them as correct.  This was agreed and the Chairman signed both records.


a.    Governance and Accountability Return

   All items on the governance statement were approved as being correctly applied.    

  The Certificate of Exemption was then signed by the Chairman for submission to 

                 the Governments auditors PKF Littlejohn.


b.    Financial Risk Assessment

The Financial Risk Assessment which showed a minimum balance of £1500.00 should be maintained was approved by councillors and was signed by the Chairman.


5.    North Yorkshire Councillor’s Report


Councillor Angus Thompson gave a more detailed account of his April quarterly report and answered Councillors queries.


6.    Election of Chairman


Cllr. Wells proposed Cllr. Ramsay as Chairman.  This was seconded by Cllr. Haggie and approved by the Parish Council.

Cllr. Ramsay agreed to continue acting as Parish Contact.


7.    Election of Vice Chairman


Cllr. Haggie proposed Cllr. Owen as Vice Chairman.  This was seconded by Cllr. Wells and approved by the Parish Council.

Cllr. Asquith agreed to continue acting as Proper Officer/ Finance Officer.


8.    Confirmation of Standing Orders


There were no amendments to the Standing Orders, so the Orders were approved by the Parish Council and signed by the Chairman.


9.    Appointment of Internal Auditor


The Parish Council approved the appointment of Mrs. L. Lobley as Internal Auditor.




The meeting was declared closed at 7.20 pm





Signed as a correct record …………………………….Chairman    Date …………….